Classics, la passion du passé !

site web de spécialistes

Scoutvägen 25
26193 Sweden
Michael Schiebler: I see life as a big puzzle! Every now and then we have a really great moment!, a moment that will stick with us in our memory perhaps for the rest of our lives. And that moment is a piece of the big puzzle called Life. I believe that a great life is summed up in the end of our journey with all these moments/pieces to make one extraordinary picture. Many of my own moments involve classic cars, and I can still feel the vibrations, I remember the sound, smell and some of the wonderful people I was sharing this moment with. I hope through my work I can help you collect moments like this for your puzzle! My interest in classic cars started when I was helping out repairing cars at my uncle’s gas station. This was where I learned the basics about many of the cars we today see as classic. I have since been working with classic cars in many different ways. Everything from renting them out, to buying and selling, consulting, inspecting and appraising collectable automobiles in many parts of the world. My interest is very broad and I am interested in so many cars. However, I think GT or Grand Touring cars is the group of cars I would choose if I had to pick. Through my interest and work with vintage automobiles, I have seen some amazing places around the world, but even more important is that I have met the most amazing and inspiring people! I am a driver: I love to drive my classic cars and the feeling they give me. I was for many years a professional racer traveling the world. However, today I do not need to go fast to have a good time. I always bring my camera and try to capture the moments and to be able to share them with other enthusiasts visiting this website. I do not work! What I do does not feel like work to me and I would probably be doing the same thing even if there was no reward in it. Still I always strive to do what I do to the very best ability. And always with honesty and integrity.

Spécialité : (classic) Car trading, Restoration

Nous parlons : English, Swedish