Classics, la passion du passé !

site web de spécialistes

5, Avenue Lavoisier
13470 France
GTC is a southern French company dedicated to the purchase and sale of carefully selected classic cars around the world. GTC was founded in 1989 by a passionate, collector and car driver in historic races: Jean Guikas. Jean Guikas is a real classic and racing car passionate: he bought his first Ferrari when he was 18, was finalist at “le Volant Elf” and has had between his hands and sold more than 600 Ferraris among them seventy Daytona, ten 250 GT California, three 250 LM, some Tour de France…, over 200 Maseratis, a hundred Lamborghinis, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Jaguar etc ... Its 33 years-experience in the automotive world have made him an expert in classic cars. Every single car for sale at GTC is owned by GTC. In other words, we are not brokers. We are dealers buying and selling their own cars. And it makes a huge difference. Because we spend our money on the car we love and select according to our standards: Authenticity, Originality, Rarity, Racing history, Design & Beauty and Eligibility for classic car events. GTC collection has never stopped increasing and reaching each time a better level. Today, our collection is one of the world’s finest. We operate at the highest end of the classic car market, supplying only the finest pieces. Please view a selection of it here: GTC’s inventory and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any enquiry

Spécialité : (classic) Car trading

Nous parlons : English, French